There are two articles on Hezbollah one in
Time magazine that depicts the Hezbollah fighters as:

Looking pretty well armed, bearded and ferocious! With interesting contrast to the Add on top... "What would happen to your family if you died"!!!
Same day BBC has another
article. The Israeli are saying that they have capture the guerrillas that were responsible for the Israeli soldier captures. They say the person that was captured was a well trained, doctor-nated with training in Iran which of course he went through Syria (he might have seen some North Koreans too :) ). Here is where it gets excising, they say this brave, ideologically trained fighter confessed in less than 24 hours after their capture. They have already been paraded on TV! The nonsense doesn't end there. Look at the image of the fighters in Israeli capture video:

Do these fighters look anything like the Time magazine depiction of them?
On information coming out of Israel you can always be sure of one thing, it never adds up!