Wednesday, October 20, 2004

... I think separation of church and state was to keep the state out
of church, not church out of state, originally. So I think it is
very important to encourage more and more people of faith to pray, on
daily basis. And I think if we can be able to help change the
culture of prayer in America, that would manifest itself in the vision
of unity that we talked about earlier. I think we can do wonders for
our country.

John Lind
CEO of The Presidential Prayer Team (PPT)

Interview with Terry Gross
Interview with Terry Gross

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

...and we are still scared.

"We spend, now, for the past several years, over 300 billion dollars each year. About 350 billion dollars a year, for the greatest...largest...most powerful array of things that go BOOM, in the history of civilization. And we are still scared! We give ourselves now permission to attack another country not for what they have done, but what we think they are going to do."

Phil Donahue

Monday, October 11, 2004

Saddam is gone, and the world is far worse...

If Saddam were in power today, it would only have been because the US and Britain had altered course and joined the global community in recognising the pre-eminence of international law, and the necessity of all nations to operate in accordance with that law. The irony is that had the US and Britain taken this path, and an unrepentant Saddam chosen to defy the international community by acting on the intent he is alleged to have harboured, then he would have been removed from power by a true international coalition united in its legitimate defence of international law. But this is not the case. Saddam is gone, and the world is far worse for it - not because his regime posed no threat, perceived or otherwise, but because the threat to international peace and security resulting from the decisions made by Bush and Blair to invade Iraq in violation of international law make any threat emanating from an Iraq ruled by Saddam pale in comparison.

Scott Ritter is a former UN weapons inspector in Iraq (1991-1998) and the author of 'Frontier Justice: Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Bushwhacking of America', published by Context Books

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Take them out, dude

Let me share some thoughts with you about what I have learned and what I hope the country has learned. First of all, we're dealing with a -- with an enemy that has no conscience. Today, if you noticed, there was a car bomb near a school. These people are brutal. They -- they're the exact opposite of Americans. We value life and human dignity; they don't care about life and human dignity. We believe in freedom; they have an ideology of hate. And they're tough, but not as tough as America. (Applause.) It's really important for people to understand you cannot negotiate with these people, you cannot hope for the best. We must -- we must chase them down all around the world, so we do not have to face them here at home. That's lesson number one, be relentless and determined, never yield. (Applause.)

Secondly, that this is a different kind of war that requires a different kind of strategy. And it's really important for you to realize that these people -- their ambition is beyond just a single attack. Their ambition is to take over countries from which they can spread their ideology of hate. That's why they were in Afghanistan. They're like a parasite, hopefully being able to overcome a weak host. And they were in the process of doing that.

President's Remarks at an Ask President Bush Event in Clive, Iowa Source

Take them out, dude: pilots toast hit on Iraqi 'civilians'

By Andrew Buncombe in Washington

06 October 2004

The Pentagon said yesterday it was investigating cockpit video footage that shows American pilots attacking and killing a group of apparently unarmed Iraqi civilians.

The 30-second clip shows the pilot targeting the group of people in a street in the city of Fallujah and asking his mission controllers whether he should "take them out". He is told to do so and, shortly afterwards, the footage shows a huge explosion where the people were. A second voice can be heard on the clip saying: "Oh, dude."

The existence of the video, taken last April inside the cockpit of a US F-16 fighter has been known for some time, though last night's broadcast by Channel 4 News is believed to be the first time a mainstream broadcaster has shown the footage.

At no point during the exchange between the pilot and controllers does anyone ask whether the Iraqis are armed or posing a threat. Critics say it proves war crimes are being committed.


Watch the Video.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Terrorisem or Liberation

Why is it 'terrorism' when foreigners set off bombs in London or Washington or New York and it's a 'liberation' or 'operation' when foreigners bomb whole cities in Iraq?

River Bend Blog