Tuesday, September 28, 2004

NPR's spin...

From NPR's Morning edition pieced titles "Bush, Kerry Plead Case for Women's Vote" by Tovia Smith....

Women traditionally tend to vote slightly more Democratic, but this year, they appear to be leaning more toward President Bush amid heightened security concerns.

"I could feel it changed, just talking to ordinary people, people I work out at the Gym I could just feel it changed..."

"It doesn't matter if you have a health care, ehhh, if you aren't going to be safe in your home, minimum wage doesn't matter if , ehhh, you don't have a job to go to, because, you know, terrorists blown up your building."

Dona Sitek (spelling?)
"A Conservative Republican"
Former Speaker of House in New Hampshire

Wow... There are some extra ordinary women in New Hampshire, nothing can deter them from going to the gym. Without health insurance, without minimum wage job AND with all the terrorism in the world they are still brave enough to go to the gym.

As Senator John Edward Said...
"Because the truth is, we still live in two different Americas: one for people who have lived the American Dream and don't have to worry, and another for most Americans who work hard and still struggle to make ends meet. "

Monday, September 27, 2004

Making sense of events in Iraq

"A lot of people on the ground there thought that if we'd have gone into Falluja at the time, the interim government would not have been established,"

President George Bush Source

But Why is handover to the interim goverment so important?

Bremer had found his legal loophole: There would be a window—seven months—when the occupation was officially over but before general elections were scheduled to take place. Within this window, the Hague and Geneva Conventions’ bans on privatization would no longer apply, but Bremer’s own laws, thanks to Article 26, would stand. During these seven months, foreign investors could come to Iraq and sign forty-year contracts to buy up Iraqi assets. If a future elected Iraqi government decided to change the rules, investors could sue for compensation.

But Bremer had a formidable opponent: Grand Ayatollah Ali al Sistani, the most senior Shia cleric in Iraq. al Sistani tried to block Bremer’s plan at every turn, calling for immediate direct elections and for the constitution to be written after those elections, not before. Both demands, if met, would have closed Bremer’s privatization window. Then, on March 2, with the Shia members of the Governing Council refusing to sign the interim constitution, five bombs exploded in front of mosques in Karbala and Baghdad, killing close to 200 worshipers. General John Abizaid, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, warned that the country was on the verge of civil war. Frightened by this prospect, al Sistani backed down and the Shia politicians signed the interim constitution. It was a familiar story: the shock of a violent attack paved the way for more shock therapy.

Naomi Klein Source

Baghdad Year Zero -- A Must Read

An amazing account of what is happening in Iraq. A MUST READ for anyone intrested following the events in Iraq.

Baghdad Year Zero

Thursday, September 23, 2004

How safe is Iraq?

More from the Prime Minister Allawi and George W Bush's Press conference in Rose Garden.

Can you belive the contrast what the "Prime Minister" is saying about the provinces and what the BBC journalist are reporting from Southern Iraq:

But here are some other statistics. Last month, the British Army fired 100,000 rounds of ammunition in southern Iraq.

The base in al-Ammara sustained more than 400 direct mortar hits.

The British battalion there counted some 853 separate attacks of different kinds: mortars, roadside bombs, rockets and machine-gun fire.

No British regiment has had such intense "contact", as they call it, since Korea.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/3675538.stm ]


PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, please.

PRIME MINISTER ALLAWI: Let me explain something, which is very important. I have noticed -- and the media have been neglected and omitted several times -- in the Western media -- Iraq is made out of 18 provinces, 18, 1-8. Out of these 18 provinces, 14 to 15 are completely safe, there are no problems. And I can count them for you, starting from Basra moving into Iraq Kurdistan. There are three areas, three provinces where there are pockets of insurgents, pockets of terrorists who are acting there and are moving from there to inflict damage elsewhere in the country.

So, really, if you care to look at Iraq properly, and go from Basra to Nasiriyah to Kut to Diyala to Najaf to Karbala to Diwaniya to Samaraa to Kirkuk to Sulaymaniyah to Dahuk to Arbil, there are no problems. It's safe, it's good. There are problems in Fallujah. Fallujah is part of a

province; the province is called Al Anbar. It's vast, very big; it has many other important towns, such as Ana, such as Rawa, such as Ramadi. There is nothing there. In Ana and Rawa, indeed, there is nothing, no problem, except on a small pocket in Fallujah.

So, really, I call upon the responsible media -- throughout the world, not only here -- to look at the facts as they are in Iraq and to propagate these facts to the international community.

I am not trying to undermine that there are dangers. There are dangers in Iraq; there are problems, and we are facing international terrorist onslaught on Iraq. I, personally, receive every day a threat. In the last four weeks, they found four conspiracies to kill me. And, likewise, there are killing people -- they are killing officials, they are killing innocent people. But the Iraqis are not deterred, and we are not going to be deterred. I went the next day and saw our recruitment center for the police, after they killed, massacred 40-45 people. I found hundreds of people coming to be volunteer -- to volunteer to the police and to the army. I spoke to them. They are all upbeat. They are resolved to beat terrorism and to defeat the insurgents.

These are facts that one really needs to explain to you and you need to explain it to the people.


Geroge W reveals his sources

It used to be Challabi used to give the administration the WMD story, and now Allawi is giving the "optimistic" stories. And if you don't believe it, Prime Minister will set you up with the right people to convince you.

President Bush and Prime Minister Allawi Press Conference
The Rose Garden

12:06 P.M. EDT

PRESIDENT BUSH: Okay, let me stop you. First of all, the Iraqi people now have got Iraqi leadership. Prime Minister Allawi and his cabinet are making decisions on behalf of the Iraqi people. Secondly, I saw a poll that said the right track/wrong track in Iraq was better than here in America. (Laughter.) It's pretty darn strong. I mean, the people see a better future.

Talk to the leader. I agree -- I'm not the expert on how the Iraqi people think, because I live in America, where it's nice and safe and secure. But I talk to this man. One reason I'm optimistic about our ability to get the job done is because I talk to the Iraqi Prime Minister. I'm also optimistic that people will choose freedom over tyranny every time. That's what I believe.


PRIME MINISTER ALLAWI: .......... And once you are in Iraq, I will be my (sic) host. I can put you together with these people in my home and you can talk to them. And you can find out yourselves that the Iraqis, tremendously, by and large, respect the United States, and respect the other partners in the coalition for helping Iraq, not only in liberation, but now in helping Iraq to rebuild itself and to rebuild its institutions.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Geroge W Speaks!

[... and "foreign policy is President Bush's strength! go figure about the rest ]

"It's hard to help a country go from tyranny to elections to peace when there are a handful of people who are willing to kill in order to stop the process. And that's what you're seeing on the TV screens. You know, these people cannot beat us militarily."

President George Bush

"They cannot defeat our military. The only thing they can do is behead people and try to shake our will. That's the only weapon they have,"

President George Bush


"The CIA laid out several scenarios. It said that life could be lousy, life could be OK, life could be better. And they were just guessing as to what the conditions might be like,"

President George Bush

"The American people have seen horrible scenes on our TV screens. And the prime minister will be able to say to them that in spite of the sacrifices being made, in spite of the fact that Iraqis are dying, and US troops are dying as well, that there is a will amongst the Iraqi people to succeed."

President George Bush


Monday, September 20, 2004

Are they talking about the same place

"It's hard to imagine a candidate running for president prefers the stability of a dictatorship to the hope and security of democracy."

President Bush Source

"Terrorists are coming and pouring in from various countries into Iraq to try and undermine the situation in Iraq. They're coming from Afghanistan, Pakistan, from Europe, from Morocco, from Syria and so on.

"Iraq is on the front line of fighting these terrorists. And, God forbid, if Iraq is broken or the will of Iraq is broken, then London would be a target, Washington will be a target, Paris will be a target, Cairo will be a target, as we have seen in the past."

Iyad Allawi, Iraqi "Prime Minister" Source

Sunday, September 19, 2004


PERLUSTRATION \Per`lus*tra"tion\, n. [L. perlustrare to wander
all through, to survey. See 3d {Luster}.]
The act of viewing all over. [Archaic] --Howell.

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
